
Wireless infrastructure needs to provide low enough plug loss to effectively improve energy efficiency. With the advent of 4G services, RF products need to provide wider bandwidth and be downward-compatible with 3G and 2G services. At the same time, base stations became smaller and lighter, and were mounted on top of towers, which encouraged circuit boards to be miniaturized.

In handheld devices like tablets, many manufacturers are looking for materials that can miniaturize antennas. Handheld devices contain a lot of antennas (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular communications, GPS, etc.) that sit in a small space and can't interfere with each other. At the same time, each company's antenna design is different and requires flexibility. This puts forward high request to circuit board material.

In response, Rogers this year launched the RO4 360, the second generation of the RO4 360, Its relative thermal index is higher) high frequency circuit board materials, RO4 835 high frequency circuit board materials, RO470 0JXR series (RO472 5JXR and RO4730JXR) antenna level laminate and RO3010 high dielectric constant materials and other products. "There was demand for these products from a few customers, but when the products were launched, there was a lot of interest," said Liu Jianjun, Vice president of Marketing for Rogers Asia.

Rogers Advanced Circuit board materials Division Asia market development manager Yang Xi said that the application of high frequency plate is very wide, can cover most of the market applications: base station amplifier design requirements to use high power, low plug loss materials; Antenna application requires the plate to have a certain hardness and a very good passive intermodulation index; Automotive applications require the plate to have long-term reliability and withstand high temperature; Mobile phones and high-speed trains also offer a wide variety of applications.

The design of power amplifier attaches great importance to the heat dissipation performance and insertion loss performance of the plate. Rogers has a RO3 0 35 HTC plate, its plug loss is 0.017, thermal conductivity is 1.44, very suitable for power amplifier applications. Low plug loss means less heat generated, coupled with good thermal conductivity, can quickly dissipate the heat, so that the circuit board surface temperature and amplifier temperature.

In antenna applications, insertion loss is also very important, but the passive intermodulation index is more important. Rogers' antenna grade laminates RO4725JXR and RO4730JXR have good intermodulation indexes. At the same time, in some application scenarios of the antenna, it is also required to have a certain hardness, or the design of multi-layer plate. The RO470 0JXR series plates are based on a hydrocarbon resin system, with sufficient hardness and the ability to process and mix multiple layers like fr-4 plates, making them ideal for this type of application.

Automotive radar applications are a fast-growing sector, with the market this year doubling from last year and last year doubling from the previous year. Automotive applications require high temperature resistance and good long-term reliability. Rogers RO4835 HIGH frequency circuit board material has ten times the oxidation resistance of RO4350 B, can be used at high temperatures for a long time, and the Dk(dielectric constant), Df(loss Angle tangent) changes are very limited.

Yang Xi said that the development trend of the circuit board is to provide lower plug loss, better heat dissipation, wider bandwidth, higher speed. Rogers has made a number of meaningful attempts this year, such as introducing panels with a higher dielectric constant, with a range of options from 1.96 to 10.2. Whether you want to reduce the size, increase the degree of isolation, or want to enhance the heat dissipation of the entire power amplifier, you can find the required products in the Rogers plate series.

If you have any hf board requirements please contact FOUND. Email sales08@found-pcb.com.