High Density interconnect (HDI) PCBS, commonly found in SMT mills, represent one of the fastest growing technologies in PCB. Because of its higher circuit density than conventional circuit boards, HDI PCB designs can incorporate smaller through-hole and capture pads, as well as higher connection pad density. HDI plates contain both blind and buried holes, and typically contain microholes of 0.006 in diameter or smaller.

By using HDI technology, SMT production designers can now place more components on both sides of the original PCB as needed. Now with the development of through-hole and blind hole technology in solder pads, SMT factories allow designers to place smaller components closer together. This means faster signal transmission and significantly reduced signal loss and crossover delay.

HDI PCBS are often found in mobile phones, touch screen devices, laptops, digital cameras, 4G network communications, and also play an important role in medical devices.

Advantages of HDI PCB

The most common reason for using HDI technology in Smt machining is a significant increase in package density. The space gained by finer track structures can be used for components. In addition, the overall reduction in space requirements will result in a smaller board size and fewer layers.

Usually an FPGA or BGA can provide spacing of 1mm or less. HDI technology makes wiring and connection easy, especially when wiring between pins.

HDI PCB improved functions:

1. The Denser trace routing

2. More stable power supply

3. Reduce interference inductance and capacitance effects

4. Improve signal integrity in high-speed design

Use HDI printed circuit boards to accelerate development

1. Easier placement of patch elements

2. Faster routing

3. Reduce the frequent relocation of components

4. More component space (also available Via ViA-in-Pad)