Circuit board storage validity period

Why should the tested circuit board be vacuum packed and shipped to the customer, instead of directly packing and delivering it to the customer?

The reason is that if the circuit board does not do vacuum packaging treatment, it will directly make the surface gold, tin spray, and plate parts will oxidation and affect the welding performance, is not conducive to patch welding production, only qualified storage can prolong its use cycle.

So vacuum packaging storage is an inevitable step, the vacuum packaging half also need to place desiccant beside the board, and the vacuum packaging circuit board when packaging also need on the edge of the box around a layer of bubble membrane, bubble membrane water absorption is better, so played a good effect for moisture-proof, sealing box after the box must be partition, from the ground in the dry ventilation, but also to avoid sunlight.

Circuit board storage warehouse temperature is best controlled in 23 ± 3℃, 55 ± 10%RH, under such conditions, gold, gold, tin spray, silver plated surface circuit board can be stored for 6 months, silver, tin, OSP and other surface circuit board can be stored for 3 months, for a long time, it is best to brush a layer of three paint, three paint can be moisture-proof, dust, oxidation effect. This increases the PCB board storage life for up to nine months.

Circuit board for tin spray surface treatment can be saved for about 12 months; circuit board for gold surface treatment can be saved for about 6 months; PCB board for tin surface treatment can be stored for about 3 months; circuit board for silver surface treatment can be saved for about 3 months; circuit board for OSP surface treatment can be kept for about 3 months;

PCB Storage Conditions Specification Standard:

Tin tin: temperature 27℃, 60% humidity, no volatile gas of corrosive chemicals such as acid, alkali and organic solvents, storage period of 6 months, storage conditions and workshop life of the customer since packaging;Storage conditions: temperature 27℃, humidity 60%, Volatiling gas of corrosive chemicals without acid, alkali and organic solvents temperature 27℃, humidity 60%.

For the HDI board, customers are required to use the drying board before going online, and to complete the patch within 8 hours after the drying board:

① baking sheet temperature 120 ± 5℃, 2 hours, stacking height 2.5cm; 3. baking temperature of whole sheet 120 ± 5℃, 2~4 hours, stacking height 2.5cm; temperature of organic and selective organic coating sheet 120 ± 5℃, 2 hours, stacking height 2.5cm.① must keep the oven clean and free of volatile gases of corrosive chemicals such as acid, alkali and organic solvents.